Saturday, January 5, 2013

The New Year Arrived

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well, we are now in a new year with a clean slate.  We have only ourselves to blame if the slate get messed up by our actions.  I plan to keep my year upbeat and hassle free.  So...that means I will need to get to crocheting on my yarn in my closet.  It's been 5+ years now since I retired with the purpose of emptying my yarn closet.  We know how that has gone.  I haven't increased the yardage much but I haven't reduced it by much either.  The yarn gets more expensive and in smaller looks like less but it isn't.  Anyway, it keeps me out of trouble.  When you have a crochet hook in one hand and yarn in the other hand, you can't get into much trouble.  I hope to make some scarves to donate to a charity this month and then make some shawls.  The days are getting longer and that always cheers me.   Now I must take down the Christmas flags and put up the winter flags.  Here's our New Year's Eve toast to 2013.

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