Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall is in the Air--And About Time!

Today is a lovely fall-like day.  I just finished crocheting together six afghans for the HAP charity project, delivered them to the coordinator, and picked up six more.  Can't have idle hands.  So far I've put together 69 afghans and am striving to finish 100 before the project ends in May 2013.  Because of the time spent on the afghans, I have no new pictures to post and not much new material either.  I promised myself that I would add a new blog post at least every month so today is the day.  Here is a picture of one of the afghans so you can see what I've been doing.  It is a worthwhile effort since the afghans go to our wounded service people.  So far, the project has delivered almost 9,000.

See All Afghans Donated

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